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Dahr Jamail is an independent journalist currently
stationed in Iraq. Mr. Jamail submits his work to various
publications around the world, and also has a web site at
from Iraq
by Dahr Jamail
State Sponsored Civil
10, 2005
Yesterday at a conference in Baghdad, Abdul Aziz
al-Hakim, a prominent Shia leader who is also the head of the Supreme Council
for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq announced, “In gratitude to the
efforts, sacrifices and heroic positions of our brothers and brave sons
from the Badr Organization.”
“We must give them the
priority in bearing administrative and government responsibilities especially in
the security field,” he added, while the “President” of Iraq, Jalal Talabani,
listened on.
The Badr Organization (formerly known as the Badr
Brigade) was formed by al-Hakim’s brother in the ‘80’s to fight Saddam Hussein.
It has long since received funding and other “support” from
While civilians in Fallujah, Mosul, Ramadi, Baquba,
Baghdad, Haditha and other cities in Iraq continue to complain of being beaten,
looted and humiliated by the members of the Iraqi Army who are members of both
the Badr Organization and Kurdish Peshmerga, these militias now have the overt
backing of the interim Iraqi “government.”
It is also being
reported that members of the Badr Organization, who are essentially running much
of the “security” in southern Iraq at this point, have been instituting
Sharia law. Thus, women are reporting being threatened with death or rape if
they attend university, and more conservative clothing rules are being
Recently a Sunni cleric was assassinated in the
Harith al-Dhari, the head of the influential Sunni group
the Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS), recently accused the Badr of killing
members of the AMS, when he bluntly announced, “It is the Badr Brigades which is
responsible for these killings.”
One of my Iraqi friends here in
Amman recently told me that Sunni who live in the south are being
pressured by members of the Badr Organization to relocate elsewhere.
It should also be noted that the Badr came back to Iraq on the heels of
the invaders.
“You and your (Kurdish) brothers are the heroes of
liberating Iraq,” added Talabani at the aforementioned
So we have the US-backed Iraqi “government” overtly
(they have been doing this covertly for quite some time) pitting Shia
and Kurdish militias against the primarily Sunni resistance. State
sponsored/propagated civil war-although most Iraqis continue to fear and loath
the idea, and so many Iraqi political and religious organizations continue to
work tirelessly to avert the worsening of this now low-grade civil
Meanwhile, violence continues across Iraq. Car bombs are a
daily occurrence, yet now we have seen motorcycle bombs, push-cart
bombs, donkey bombs, donkey-cart bombs, dog bombs, human bombs, bicycle
bombs and recently two Iraqi policemen dying from eating poisoned
Roadside bombs continue to take their toll on US
soldiers and are now the number one killer of occupation forces. At
least 1,679 have died in Iraq since the invasion, along with roughly
100 times as many Iraqis.
I’ve been getting some interesting
emails, indicative of sagging morale, from American’s serving or about to serve
in Iraq, including vets...
One man who is a security contractor
writes, “Many nationalities from the planet, many cowboys. I feel like
Tonto. Some of these boys are psycho. Been there done that on the
international radar.”
I received an email a ways back from a
veteran who said, “I am a former soldier that does not agree with what
is going on in Iraq. I do NOT agree with the current administration on
most issues, but especially the way they are going about this illegal and
immoral war.
I am deeply ashamed of what my country
has done, and I am determined to do whatever I can to help those few
brave reporters like yourself that are trying to uncover the truth to
do so.”
Like many people, he assumed I am Iraqi because of my
name, even though I’m 3rd generation Lebanese. He’d included some
helpful information for me to use, then added,
what it is worth, I apologize for the actions of my country. I don't
consider myself a traitor or unpatriotic, but what I am seeing is so
very wrong on so many levels that it is really eating at me, so much so
that I felt compelled to write you about what I know. I’m so very
Another soldier who will be deployed to Iraq
this summer said, “I personally believe it was the wrong war…we
should have concentrated more on Afghanistan.”
I wrote him
back and told him I honored his desire to serve his country, but wished he had
better leadership than the current US administration who led the country into Iraq with lies.
He responded,
“I feel honored to meet a great American like you.
You know man, sometimes we guys feel betrayed by our own government.
I personally signed up to serve my country not to serve any particular
Another US soldier in Iraq right now writes, “Do I
think it (the war) was started for moral reasons? Of course
Dahr Jamail. All images and text are
protected by United States and international copyright law. If you would like to
reprint Dahr's Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice
and a prominent link to the website. Any other use of images
and text including, but not limited to, reproduction, use on another website,
copying and printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel
free to forward Dahr's dispatches via email. Reprinted with
Posted June 14,
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