above, for articles in
this issue.
This month we add a new column on national security and
intelligence issues, authored by Joe
Trento. Mr. Trento has spent more than 35 years as an
investigative journalist, working with both print and broadcast outlets and
writing extensively on national security issues. Before joining the National
Security News Service in 1991, Trento worked for CNN's Special Assignment Unit, the Wilmington News Journal, and prominent journalist Jack Anderson. Trento has received six
Pulitzer nominations and is the author of five books, the most recent of which
is The Secret History of the
We welcome Mr. Trento as a featured
Another Failed Attempt
to Gag The Arms Dealer Who Supplied
Joe Trento
Miami –
Sarkis Soghanalian was once the most powerful arms dealer in the world. Filled
with charm, able to communicate in eight languages, Soghanalian had one weakness
– he liked to speak to reporters. A few weeks ago I went into the Perdue
rehabilitation center in South Miami to reconnect with the arms dealer. Even
sick with diabetes and unable to walk, Soghanalian still scares the hell out of
the Bush family and their business associates
He had
come to Miami on an expired Green Card (his ex-wife is an American). The Green
Card expired because the 77-year-old gun runner had been in a hospital bed in
Jordan for most of the last year and could not return to the U.S. to renew the
card. He had called me and said he had some important material for the FBI on
stolen art from Iraq and wanted to come home for medical treatment. My colleague
David Armstrong and I were assured by various authorities that there were no
warrants outstanding and he would be allowed to come
He, of
course, was arrested for the Green Card violation as soon as the plane arrived.
The FBI agents he was working with were transferred off the case and a new
agent, named Ron LeBlanc made it clear to his colleagues Soghanalian was a bad
guy and that he, Le Blanc, was going to arrange an extradition to Colombia
because of an old arms deal that had gone wrong.
was dumped at his son’s house and, with the help of family and friends, ended up
as an indigent at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Agent LeBlanc had succeeded in
convincing colleagues not to work with Soghanalian. He also thought he had the
arms dealer thoroughly isolated from the media.
I first
developed a relationship with Soghanlian in 1984 when I was with CNN. The result
was a documentary called “Merchants of War.” I personally witnessed Soghanalian
arm Saddam Hussein with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Reagan and the
George H. W. Bush Administration. He was our main conduit to arming Saddam
during the 1980’s. He was also a longtime Defense Intelligence Agency asset. His
former control officer, retired Colonel Joseph Hunt, once described the
roly-poly dealer as “one of our most important intelligence assets.”
has also had a long relationship with the CIA, working with one of their
brightest (now retired) officers, Lou Severe. His poorest relationship was with
Customs and Immigration, now known as ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
He had been instructed by his bosses in the Reagan White House not to do
business with Customs. The Miami office of Customs, now ICE, has been angry with
Soghanalian ever since he refused to help them by becoming a snitch concerning
other CIA front companies.
In 1984
former Nixon officials (including John Mitchell, Spiro Agnew and others) forced
the arms dealer to put them in business selling military uniforms to Saddam. If
Sarkis didn’t throw the uniform business their way, he was told he would not get
export licenses to provide the helicopters the Reagan Administration wanted sent
to arm Saddam. Even Richard Nixon, wrote letters of endorsement of the deal. The
$450 million dollar deal produced shoddy uniforms Saddam refused to pay for.
Soghanalian was sued in civil court by these former public servants. After
Soghanalian beat the businessmen in civil court, the arms dealer found he was
being targeted by his old associates through the administration of George
H.W.Bush. When Soghanlian began sharing details with ABC’s Nightline, of how the
Reagan/Bush team had aided Saddam through the 80’s as the 1991 Gulf War loomed,
the hammer fell on Soghanalian. In the early 1990’s the first Bush
Administration orchestrated a prosecution of Soghanalian for delivering weapons
on his private 727 to Iraq. One of the key witnesses standing by to testify
against him was former Marine Colonel Jack Brennan, then a Bush I White House
aide. Brennan had been a key partner in the uniform deal. The case was
political. Bush was running for reelection and the Iraqgate scandal was
engulfing him.
Bush I
appointees in Miami indicted and convicted Soghanalian. That resulted in a
six-year federal prison sentence and an attempt by the Bush Administration to
cut Soghanalian off from all media contact while in the Federal prison system.
But even in jail the arms dealer had bombs to throw. He told me in an interview
for British television that Mark Thatcher (son of the Prime Minister) had
profited from dealing classified night vision devices to Saddam’s government.
That resulted in a major scandal in England. George H. W. Bush’s defeat gave
Soghanalian a chance to show the Clinton Administration - what he could do about
its $100 bill counterfeiting problem. He was so successful in his work with the
Secret Service that his jail sentence suddenly ended and he was back in business
in time for the 1995 Paris Air Show. Working with France, Soghanalian was
involved in deals around the world, including Saudi Arabia.
Sarkis Soghanalian and his former assistant Veronique Paquier at the
Paris Air Show 1997.
In 1995
while on a visit to Los Angeles Soghanalian was approached by an associate of
now infamous Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff. That meeting resulted in a
previously unreported FBI investigation of a top Republican member of the House
of Representatives and his wife. A two-year off and on FBI investigation
followed. Soghanalian was promised that sanctions against Iraq would be
lifted—allowing Soghanalian to be paid—in exchange for a huge payment to
self-proclaimed surrogates of the politician. The investigation was stopped at
the highest levels in the FBI during the Clinton impeachment proceedings. The
main target of the probe left elective political life with no evidence collected
that he had done anything illegal. According to the prosecutor in charge there
were very hard feelings against Soghanalian for his role in starting the
investigation. According to federal agents involved in the case the FBI
leadership stopped the case before evidence could be collected on the
In 1997
this reporter learned from Soghanalian that the Chinese and French were breaking
a UN arms embargo and shipping C-802 cruise missiles that were nuclear capable
to Iran. Soghanalian offered a sample of one of the missiles to the CIA through
a U.S. Naval officer. The CIA declined the offer and claimed it had its own
sources for such equipment. It turned out that the CIA’s so called source, not
only didn’t deliver but top officials in the company became fugitives. The CIA
never got a C 802 and the Navy never got an opportunity to study the advanced
missile so it could develop a defense. Navy officials were so concerned about
the C-802 they concluded in 1997 in classified documents obtained by National
Security News Service that the missile gave Iran “effective control of the
Persian Gulf.” Iran bought the missiles as a response to the United States
shooting down a civilian Airbus and then lying about it.
October of 2000, 17 sailors were killed when the USS Cole was attacked with a
small boat supposedly filled with explosives. Soghanalian angered U.S.
government officials when he suggested that the damage to the ship looked as if
had been caused by the kind of shaped charge used on a seagoing cruise
December 2000, as George W. Bush administration was about to start, Soghanalian
was rearrested coming home through Miami from Paris. His practice of sharing
embarrassing details about his relationship with the U.S. government and money
hungry former public servants loyal to both Presidents Bush have come at
inopportune times and made lots of enemies. That arrest kept him in jail over a
year on charges he had attempted to cash a forged cashiers check. On a visit to
the Federal lock up in Los Angeles Soghanalian told me that he was responsible
for a very embarrassing CIA sanctioned arms deal that demonstrated that the
CIA’s main asset in Peru was actually selling guns to the wrong side in Colombia
(The FARC). The story appeared in La Republica and Soghanalian’s confession
caused the government of Peru to fall and the famous Chief of Peruvian
intelligence to briefly become a fugitive. The Bush Administration decided it
might be best to allow Soghanalian to settle in Jordan and forget about his jail
The old
arms dealer fell on hard times in Jordan and his fast life style caught up with
him. He still helped the FBI on nuclear weapons matters, but in Jordan he had
accumulated a lot of information about Saddam’s effort’s to negotiate prior to
the U.S. invasion for our latest war in Iraq.
So on a
pleasant mid-April Saturday morning I went back to Purdue with some television
gear to interview Soghanalain. The day before I had walked into his room and was
permitted to interview him for hours unchallenged. This morning was different. I
was stopped by the receptionist and then questioned by the assistant director.
Terry Reardon, who is the director at Perdue, got on the phone from home, and
said I need to fill out paperwork to get permission to interview the arms
dealer. I asked for the paperwork to fill out. She refused to give it to me,
saying it would not be available until after the weekend. Her assistant finally
allowed me to set up and interview Soghanalian on camera from 1pm to 4pm. I
continued the interviews the next day but off camera. I left Miami Monday
morning. Unknown to me a firestorm began when ICE representatives told Purdue
officials the interviews should have never been allowed.
took Soghanalian from his bed at Perdue a few days latter saying he was being
taken to Jackson Memorial for a serious diagnostic workup. Instead, Soghanalian
was taken to the infamous Krome Service and Processing Center. Krome is one of
the most brutal deportation centers the Department of Homeland Security
operates. Soghanalian, who cannot walk and cannot go to the bathroom on his own,
told his son a few days later that no one had helped him with basic physical
needs and his sanitary situation was a nightmare.
As of this writing
Soghanalian is still in Krome and officials of Homeland Security are not talking
about the case.
We will
begin posting segments of Soghanalian’s last interview with me in the coming
weeks. The old man still has access to a lethal arsenal of embarrassing
and Text Copyright © 2003-2005 Public Education Center, Inc. All rights
Republished herein with the author's
Posted June
01, 2005
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