National Insecurity
ed. by Craig
ISBN: 1566397448
"This book should be required reading by all congressional
committees concerned with intelligence policy, surveillance, and appropriations,
and by all Americans." Sen. Tom Harkin, Foreword, 1999
When this book was written, the Cold War had been over for ten
years and no country threatened this nation's existence, yet, we still spent
billions of dollars on covert action and espionage. Even during the Cold War,
when intelligence was seen as a matter of life and death, our system served us
badly. It provided unreliable information (leading, among other things, to a
grossly inflated military budget) as it supported corrupt regimes around the
world, promoted the drug trade, and repeatedly violated foreign and domestic
laws. And worse, proceed in a shroud of secrecy, it paid no price for its
mistakes, but instead grew larger and more insulated and in drastic need of
Ten prominent experts describe, from an insider perspective, what
went wrong with U.S. intelligence and what needs to be done to fix it. Drawing
on their experience in government administration, research, and the foreign
service, they propose a radical rethinking of the United States' intelligence
needs in the post-Cold War world. In addition, they offer a coherent and unified
plan for reform that can protect U.S. Security while upholding the values of our
democratic system. Many of those recommendations resonate today as
predictors of the intelligence failures that helped create the conditions for
The contributors include Roger Hilsman, former Assistant Secretary
of State, advisor to President Kennedy, and author of The Cuban Missile
Crisis; Melvin A. Goodman, former division chief and senior analyst at the
CIA's Office of Soviet Affairs; Robert E. White, former U.S. ambassador to El
Salvador and Paraguay and president of the Center for International Policy;
Robert V. Keeley, former ambassador to Greece, Zimbabwe, and Mauritius; Jack A.
Blum, chief investigator for Senator Church's Senate Foreign Relations Committee
and for the Senate investigation of the Iran-Contra scandal; Kate Doyle, analyst
at the National Security Archive; Alfred W. McCoy, author of The Politics of
Heroin; Robert Dreyfuss, a journalist who publishes regularly on
intelligence matters; Richard A. Stubbing, who for twenty years handled the
intelligence budget for the Office of Management and Budget; Pat M. Holt, former
chief of the Senate Foreign Relations committee and author of Secret
Intelligence and Public Policy; and the editor.
"What the Central Intelligence Agency has bequeathed to
our relations with Central America and the Caribbean is a string of
embarassing failures against inconsequential targets. From the overthrow
of the government of Guatemala to the Iran-Contra fiasco of the 1980's, the
CIA not only violated solemn treaties but allied us with the most violent,
reactionary elements of Latin American society. In carrying out these
operations, the CIA subverted American values at home as well as abroad...
Such policies were pursued without adequate safeguards of accountability that
characterize a democracy." (Robert White p. 45)
"Official intelligence dealings with criminals, especially
criminals who are involved in activity on U.S. territory, raise very difficult
questions. Who performs the cost-benefit analysis ? Who has the authority to
waive the enforcement of criminal laws ? Does the government have
responsibility for the effect of the sanctioned criminal activity ?" (Jack Blum, p. 88)

Perpetual War for Perpetual
by: Gore Vidal,
Gore Vidal is an icon in American
Letters. He is without doubt a giant of American literature. In
biting satire and dry wit, with the polish of a master essayist, Vidal dissects
for us the current state of affairs of American politics. 'Perpetual War
for Perpetual Peace' is a compilation of essays that has a common thread--the
loss of civil liberty and the rise of theocracy, and oligarchy. It also
includes essays regarding the Timothy McVeigh case.
"...our rulers for more than half
a century have made sure that we are never to be told the truth about anything
that our government has done to other people, not to mention our own.
That our ruling junta might have seriously provoked McVeigh and Osama was
never dealt with. We consumers don't need to be told the why of
anything. Certainly those of us who are in the why-business have a
difficult time in getting through the corporate sponsored American media, so I
thought it useful to describe here the various provocations on our side that
drove both bin Laden and McVeigh to such terrible acts."

The Iron Triangle: inside the Carlyle
by: Dan Briody, 2003
"Dwight D. Eisenhower,
upon leaving the office of President in 1961, warned future generations
against the dangers of a "military-industrial complex," and the "grave
implications" of the conjunction of an immense military establishment and a
large arms industry." The wisdom of these comments has clearly been lost in
the forty years since Ike left office. And the first step towards
turning things around is understanding how we got here. No single
company can illustrate that progression better than the Carlyle Group, a
business founded on a tax scheme in 1987 that has grown up to be what its own
marketing literature once called 'a vast interlocking global network.' The
company does business at the confluence of the war on terrorism and corporate
responsibility. It is a world that few of us can even imagine, full of
clandestine meetings, quid pro quo deals, bitter ironies, and petty
jealousies. And the cast of characters includes some of the most
famous and powerful men in the world. This is today's America. This is
the Carlyle Group."
Excerpt from the book, Prologue xxviii
is massive and still in its infancy, the company was founded just 16
years ago, but yet has produced profits in the billions. The book explores the
company's rise and the cast of characters that have made it possible. All
employees are forced to sign non-disclosure agreements, insulating the
company in a shroud of mystery, but Briody does have some success in
shining a light on the ties between Carlyle and high power politicians and
foreign governments. Some of the men who either hold, or have held, membership
in Carlyle include James Baker, Frank Carlucci (former CIA,
alleged architect behind Pinochet's rise, and Patrice Lumumba's
fall) , George H. W. Bush, John Major, J.W. Marriott, George W. Bush,
Colin Powell, and Arthur Levitt, among others.
The author briefly
comments on Carlyle's attempts to derail his book using some 'scorched earth
tactics,' and what he has exposed is worth reading.
The book documents some
of the wheeling 'n dealing, common behind the doors of a company averse to
public scrutiny. Of late, Carlyle's presence has been felt in Iraq,
read Naomi Klein's recent investigative report.

The Invisible Government:
the CIA & U.S. Intelligence
by: Wise, David & Ross,
published 1964 &
1974 without ISBN
A classic book, it was
the first serious detailed study of the CIA and American Intelligence
operations. As the book was being prepared for publishing, the CIA and the U.S.
government attempted to suppress it and even have its contents altered, both
attempts failed. The authors were nearly prosecuted under the espionage
laws for writing the book. It covers CIA activity in Guatemala, Laos,
Vietnam, Cuba's Bay of Pigs, the Gary Powers U-2 incident, as well
as various black-ops radio initiatives like Radio Liberty, Radio Free
Europe, Radio Swan, and the developing technology of spy satellites. This
was a ground breaking book that helped lift the veil of secrecy and led the way
for other investigative works into the realm of intelligence, such as James
Bamford's Puzzle Palace and Body of Secrets examination into the NSA.
Historically, it sheds light on the development of a massive military-industrial
complex that was just beginning to rise.
"The primary concern
of the men who drafted the Declaration of Independence was the consent of the
governed. By the mid-twentieth century, under the pressures of the Cold
War, the primary concern of the nation's leaders had become the survival of
the governed.
The Invisible
Government emerged in the aftermath of World War II as one of the instruments
designed to insure national survival. But because it was hidden, because
it operated outside of the normal Constitutional checks and
balances, it posed a potential threat to the very system it was designed to
protect... p.351
The secret
intelligence machinery of the government can never be totally reconciled with
the traditions of a free republic. But in a time of Cold War the
solution lies not in dismantling this machinery but in bringing it under
greater control. The resultant danger of exposure is far less than the
danger of secret power. If we err as a society, let it be on the side of
control. 'It should be remembered,' Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1819,
'that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also.' "
Excerpts from the

Who Becomes a Terrorist and WHY
U.S. government report,
published 1999
"The shocking 1999
U.S. government study that predicted who would terrorize the United
States and how they would do it. It describes in detail each of the
leading terrorists and terrorist groups around the world and proves beyond any
reasonable doubt that the United States intelligence community and the
President were fully aware of the specific kinds of risks that existed and
still failed to take appropriate precautions. Here, for the first time,
the American public can read what the government knew before September 11,
2001 and learn the details about who wants to harm the United States and the
American people and why."
Lyons Press,
back cover

Preparing America's Foreign Policy for the 21st
ed: Boren & Perkins,
Univ of Oklahoma, (writings from the 1997 Conference)
In 1997 a select group
of analysts, academicians, bureaucrats, a virtual who's who from the
intelligence community, State Department and Pentagon met for a conference set
on defining American foreign policy for the 21st Century. The discussions
confronted a 'new world' and how the American presence should be defined in
it. The essays are rich in analyses, providing rationales for molding
positive scenarios. The employment of military force, covert use of
intelligence, economic and trade priorities were all topics of
discussion. Ukraine was defined as an important theatre of influence
to contain renewed Russian superpower development. Must be read, in order
to appreciate how many of the developments in the world today may have been
orchestrated behind the scenes by covert intelligence operations.
"...what are the
threats over the horizon ? What are the new challenges ? What are the broader
social, economic, and political movements which are already
transforming this world and creating new demands for another generation
of students, scholars, analysts and spies ?" Stephen Sloan,

Cocaine Politics: drugs, armies, & the CIA in Central
by: Scott, Peter D. &
Marshall, Jonathan
"Cocaine Politics tells the sordid
story of how elements of our own government went to work with narcotics
Jonathan Winer, Kerry
Subcommittee on Terrorism and Narcotics
"This important, explosive report
forcefully argues that the 'war on drugs' is largely a sham, as the U.S.
government is one of the world's largest drug pushers..."
A compendium of research into the
plague of drugs, by Peter Dale Scott, Professor of English Literature at the
University of Berkeley, and Jonathan Marshall, Economics Editor of the San
Francisco Chronicle. It examines the Iran-Contra period as well as
the mantra of protection extended to drug traffickers by an international
network of politicians.

Secrets: a memoir of Vietnam & the Pentagon
by: Daniel
This is essentially a memoir
and an insider's account reflecting the pentagon during the the
Johnson and Nixon administrations. Ellsberg, who spent time at the
Pentagon, the State Department and later as an employee of the Rand Corporation,
witnessed first hand how lies were peddled to the American people establishing
the rationale to start and then continue, a war in Vietnam. The book
details for us a period in Ellsberg's life, which begins with his conservative
idealism and then progresses to his 'act of treason': when
he makes copies of thousands of pages of 'secret' documents (the pentagon
papers) that establish the pattern of deception concerning the war in
Vietnam. Some of the documents he handed to the New York
"Daniel Ellsberg demonstrated
enormous courage during a difficult and turbulent time in America's history,
courage which undoubtedly saved American lives on the battlefield and helped to
hold politicians accountable for mistakes they refused to admit. His story
reminds us that to fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship is to always ask
questions and demand the truth." Senator John F.
"Fifteen years earlier one of
my heroes was John Wayne, who had helped recruit me, and a lot of others, into
the Marine Corps... Something had happened to me... my heroes had
(p. 262)
...Since King's (Martin Luther
King Jr.) death the only public figures who had been willing to say to the
government, "get out," get all the way out, had been counterculture activists
like Abbie Hoffman, radicals perceived as supporters of North Vietnam, and
advocates of direct action and civil disobedience. What they called for
was ignored or discounted. (p. 279)"
"In the fall of 1969 I took
responsibility, on my own initiative, of delivering to the Chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee the information in the so-called
Pentagon Papers... by this spring--two invasions
later--after some nine thousand more Americans and several hundred thousand
more Indochinese had died, I could only regret that I had not, at the same
time, revealed this history to the American people through the newspapers, I
have done so now... I acted at my own jeopardy... that includes personal
consequences to me and my family; whatever these may be, they cannot after all
be more serious than the ones that I, along with millions of Americans, have
gladly risked before in serving this country. This has been for me an
act of hope and trust. Hope that the truth will free us of this
war. Trust that informed Americans will direct their public servants to
stop lying and to stop the killing and dying by Americans in Indochina."
Excerpts from
the book.

Body of Secrets: anatomy of the ultra secret National Security
by: James
Published in 2000, Body of Secrets
is a virtual 'encyclopedia' of U.S. intelligence operations under the guidance
of the National Security Agency. It sheds light on a fictitious attack
allegedly by the North Vietnamese on the U.S. spy ship Pueblo, which was later
used as the rationale for waging war on Vietnam; on the downed U-2 flight of
Francis Gary Powers-- a plane designed to insure the death of its pilot, should
it ever be shot down; as well as the Israeli 1967 attack on the U.S. spy ship Liberty, that killed two thirds of its crew, 34 men.
Bamford further provides us
with the substance behind the decades of U.S. government spying on its
own citizens--Operation Minaret, and Operation Shamrock-- as well as other
infamous operations.
"According to secret and
long-hidden documents obtained for 'Body of Secrets', the Joint Chiefs of
Staff drew up and approved plans for what may be the most corrupt plan ever
created by the U.S. government. In the name of anticommunism, they proposed
launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in
order to trick the American public into supporting an ill conceived war they
intended to launch against Cuba. Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the plan
which had the written approval of the chairman and every member of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets;
for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a
wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and
elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit;
planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be
blamed on Castro, thus giving... the excuse, as well as the public and
international backing, they needed to launch their war." (p.
Excerpt from the book

Puzzle Palace: inside the NSA
by: James
James Bamford, is a prior
investigative producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.
This was his first book on the NSA, 1982, it exposes the U.S. government
listening posts around the world that capture every form of human generated
communication activity on the planet. It summarizes for us the myriad of
activities that can be documented, concerning this little known agency of the
U.S. government.
"The Puzzle Palace is a brilliant
account of the use and abuse of technological espionage and of the frightening
Orwellian potential of today's intelligence communities."
The New York Times Book
"Referencing the NSA's
technology...Senator Frank Church concluded: 'At the same time, that
capability at any time could be turned around on the American people and no
American would have any privacy left, such [is] the capability to monitor
everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There
would be no place to hide. If this government ever became a tyranny, if
a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that
the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose
total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back, because the most
careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter
how privately done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such
is the capability of this technology... I don't want to see this country
ever go across the bridge. I know the capacity that is there to make
tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all
agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper
supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss
from which there is no return.' " (p.477)
Excerpt from the book

Secret History: the CIA's classified account of its operations
Guatemala 1952-1954
Nick Cullather
A sanitized version and narrative
of an internal CIA document, created as a training tool, regarding Operation
PBSUCCESS--a prior program of subversion used to destabilize the democratically
elected government of Guatemala in 1952-1954. The training document
detailed how to choose targets, how to wage undercover warfare. Missing
from this public edition, is the section entitled "A Study in
Assassination". This redacted section also included a list of Communists
"to be eliminated" after the coup.
In fact, death squad activity in
the 1980's followed the same rationale, the utilization of 'hit lists', and the
death and disappearance of thousands of Guatemalans, which included teachers,
priests, nuns, scientists, labor leaders and students.
"As early as January 1952,
Directorate of Plans officers began drawing up lists of persons to 'eliminate'
after a successful anti-communist coup." (p.141)
"...Guatemala has defied reason
since 1954. It still has the most regressive fiscal system and the most
unequal land-ownership pattern in Latin America. Its army victorious on
the battlefield, has evolved into an all-powerful mafia, stretching its
tentacles into drug trafficking, kidnapping and smuggling. And its
civilian presidents have shown no inclination to challenge the army and the
upper class, to fight for social reform, or to clamp down on corruption.
Today, Hungary is free. Guatemala is still paying for American
'success'." Afterword (p.
Excerpts from the

Rights of Man
by: Thomas Paine
ISBN: 1853264679
Paine participated in both the American and French
Revolutions. Remembered as a fiery pamphleteer, whose Common Cause did
more for the American cause than many armed rebellions. Born in England in
extreme poverty he immigrated to America where he rose to literary
prominence. In the Rights of Man he argues that man has intrinsic
rights independent of society, sovereignty resides in the individual
rather than in a 'moneyed and propertied' class. He argues most eloquently
for the individual's right to assert his freedom in the face of
A man well ahead of his times, he labored to enlighten
people to his vision of a just society which included; universal suffrage,
abolitionism, agrarian reform, equality, citizen rights to petition,
Republican democratic government, and separation of Church and State. He
was seen as too radical for his times.
"When it shall be said in any country in the world my poor are
happy; neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them; my jails are
empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want; the taxes
are not oppressive; the rational world is my friend, because I am the friend of
its happiness: When these things can be said, then may that country boast its
Constitution and its Government." from The
Rights of Man
Last Updated August 17, 2005
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