The Family: the real story of the Bush
by: Kitty Kelley
ISBN: 0385503245 hardcover
Hot off the presses, Sept. 2004. The story of the Bush family. Bushes
have been senators, congressmen, governors, presidents and financiers.
They have molded federal agencies like the CIA, have controlled the Republican
party, and been involved in illegal financial deals with Nazis. This
book provides us with an unauthorized biographical screening of the Bushes, it
gives us the dirt and airs the dirty laundry. Some family secrets are
unconfirmed, like the author's claim that George W. Bush did drugs while his
father was president, but many other facts are solid. Worth reading,
if for no other reason, than to at least, get a glimpse into the Bush

Dumbing Us Down, the hidden curriculum in
compulsory schooling
by: John Taylor Gatto,
"School as it was built is an
essential support system for a model of social engineering that condemns most
people to be subordinate stones in a pyramid that narrows as it ascends to a
terminal of control. School is an artifice that makes such a
pyramidical social order seem inevitable, although such a premise is a
fundamental betrayal of the American Revolution... The current debate about
whether we should have a national curriculum is phony. We already have a
national curriculum... such a curriculum produces physical, moral and
intellectual paralysis..." (p.14-15)
"According to [Bertrand] Russell,
mass schooling produced a recognizably American student; anti-intellectual,
superstitious, lacking self-confidence, and with less of what Russell called
'inner freedom' than his or her counterpart in any other nation he knew of,
past or present. These schooled children became citizens, he said, with
a thin 'mass character' holding excellence and aesthetics equally in contempt,
inadequate to the personal crises in their lives." (p.78)
"Monopoly schooling is the major
cause of our loss of national and individual identity. It has
institutionalized the division of social classes and acted as an agent of
caste--repugnant to our founding myths and to the reality or our founding..."
John Taylor Gatto is an award
winning teacher who taught in the New York City Public School system for 26
years before he resigned as a method of protest. He later joined the
Albany Free School, where he implemented his system of education with great
success. Mr. Gatto has found that independent study,
community service, large doses of solitude engages and promotes free
In this short book he expounds his
theory that the current state of American education stamps out self-knowledge,
curiosity, and instead produces mass conformity. In such a system children
learn to merely obey orders and become functioning cogs in the industrial
machinery of society.
Last Updated April 01, 2005