following excerpt is from the introduction to Banana
War at Home
"I'm a uniter, not a divider," said candidate George W.
Bush during his 2000 campaign for president. "I refuse to play
the politics of putting people into groups and pitting one group
against another." This promise to be a "uniter, not a
divider" was a recurrent theme throughout Bush's campaign,
repeated verbatim in media interviews, fund-raising letters, campaign
stump speeches and debates.
As Bush neared the end of his first term, however, evidence suggested
that he had been just the opposite. The Pew Research Center for the
People and the Press conducts periodic opinion polls that compare
the attitudes of Republican and Democratic voters. "National
unity was the initial response to the calamitous events of Sept.
11, 2001," noted its November 2003 update, "but that
spirit has dissolved amid rising political polarization and anger.
In fact, a year before the presidential election, American voters
are once again seeing things largely through a partisan prism. ... The Pew Research Center's longitudinal measures of basic
political, economic and social values, which date back to 1987, show
that political polarization is now as great as it was prior to the
1994 midterm elections that ended four decades of Democratic control
in Congress."
The reasons for these deepening divisions are not hard to find. The
voting system that brought Bush into office was seriously flawed,
and he presided over an unsteady economy, soaring budget deficits,
tax cuts that primarily benefit the wealthy, some of the worst business
scandals in U.S. history and a devastating terrorist attack. As Bush
prepared to run for re-election, fears of future terrorism continued
to grip the nation, which had become embroiled in two overseas guerrilla
wars with no end in sight. Outside its own borders, moreover, the
administration's aggressive foreign policy made the United
States hated and feared as never before. These conditions might seem
to have presented an opportune moment for serious reconsideration
of America's course and future direction in the early 21st
century, and yet during the first three years of the Bush presidency,
little serious public debate could be heard.
These conditions reflected the highly effective political organizing
strategy of the conservative coalition that brought the Bush administration
to power. The Republican party's hard right - "movement
conservatives," as they like to call themselves - hold
views and long-term objectives that are considerably to the right
of mainstream public opinion, but they had managed to maneuver themselves
into a position of control over nearly every branch of the American
government. As we will explore, politics for them is not a debate.
It is, quite literally, a "war by other means."
Intellectual Ammunition
During the 2000 presidential and congressional elections, every Republican member
of the U.S. Congress received a free pamphlet, compliments of Congressman Tom
DeLay, the party's majority whip. Written by conservative activist David
Horowitz, the pamphlet was called The Art of Political War: How Republicans
Fight to Win. It came with an endorsement on the cover by Karl Rove, the senior
advisor to then-candidate George W. Bush. According to Rove, The Art of Political
War was "a perfect pocket guide to winning on the political battlefield
from an experienced warrior." In addition to DeLay's gift to members
of Congress, the Heritage Foundation, one of the leading conservative think tanks
in Washington, found Horowitz's advice so impressive that it sent another
2,300 copies to conservative activists around the country.
True to its title, The Art of Political War argues that "Politics is war
conducted by other means. In political warfare you do not fight just to prevail
in an argument, but to destroy the enemy's fighting ability. ... In political
wars, the aggressor usually prevails." Moreover, "Politics is a war
of position. In war there are two sides: friends and enemies. Your task is to
define yourself as the friend of as large a constituency as possible compatible
with your principles, while defining your opponent as the enemy whenever you
can. The act of defining combatants is analogous to the military concept of choosing
the terrain of battle. Choose the terrain that makes the fight as easy for you
as possible."
This concept of politics as warfare is intimately connected to Horowitz's
personal political roots. In the 1960s, he was a militant Marxist and editor
of Ramparts, one of the most radical leftist magazines in the United States.
He also lent his vocal support to the Black Panther Party, which advocated and
practiced armed "self-defense" against what it viewed as the "foreign
occupying force" of racist white police. After becoming disillusioned with
the Panthers, Horowitz took a hard swing to the right, thereby winning the admiration
of the conservatives he used to denounce. His memoir of the 1960s, Destructive
Generation, was one of three books that Karl Rove recommended to George W. Bush
in 1993 as Rove began grooming Bush for the presidency. Horowitz has visited
Bush personally on several occasions to offer advice, beginning with Bush's
days as governor of Texas and continuing during his presidency.
Of course, Horowitz is not the only disillusioned leftist from the sixties. What
makes him significant is that his militancy has remained constant, even as his
worldview has changed. In a strange way, he remains a Leninist, right down to
his appearance (balding, with a Lenin-like goatee). He even continues to offer
Lenin's words as advice. "You cannot cripple an opponent by outwitting
him in a political debate," he explains in The Art of Political War. "You
can do it only by following Lenin's injunction: 'In political conflicts,
the goal is not to refute your opponent's argument, but to wipe him from
the face of the earth.'"
Field Marshall Norquist
Grover Norquist is another prominent leader in the conservative movement's
political war. "I would call him our field marshal," said Horace
Cooper, a former aide to House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Norquist helped the
Heritage Foundation write Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America." His
most important contribution, however, has been coalition building. Since 1992,
he has hosted Wednesday morning meetings in the Washington, DC office of his
organization, Americans for Tax Reform. The Wednesday meeting pulls together
the heads of leading conservative organizations to coordinate activities and
strategy. "The meeting functions as the weekly checklist so that everybody
knows what's up, what to do," says Kellyanne Fitzpatrick, a conservative
pollster and regular attendee.
George W. Bush began sending a representative to the Wednesday meeting even before
he formally announced his candidacy for president. "Now a White House aide
attends each week," reported USA Today in June 2001. "Vice President
Cheney sends his own representative. So do GOP congressional leaders, right-leaning
think tanks, conservative advocacy groups and some like-minded K Street lobbyists.
The meeting has been valuable to the White House because it is the political
equivalent of one-stop shopping. By making a single pitch, the administration
can generate pressure on members of Congress, calls to radio talk shows and political
buzz from dozens of grassroots organizations."
Norquist's coalition advocates abolishing taxes, especially estate taxes
and capital-gains taxes. Regulations they want abolished include minimum-wage
laws, affirmative action, health and safety regulations for workers, environmental
laws and gun controls. They also support cutting or eliminating a variety of
government programs including student loans, state pension funds, welfare, Americorps,
the National Endowment for the Arts, farm subsidies, and research and policy
initiatives on global warming. Even well entrenched and popular programs such
as Medicare, Social Security and education are targeted for rollbacks, beginning
with privatization. Most members of the coalition are anti-gay and anti-abortion,
although Norquist has made an effort to recruit gay and pro-choice Republicans.
Norquist's political leanings were cemented in his youth by reading anti-communist
tracts such as Masters of Deceit by J. Edgar Hoover and Witness by Whittaker
Chambers. During the 1980s, he visited battlegrounds in the Third World to support
anti-Soviet guerrilla armies. In Africa, he assisted guerrilla movements backed
by South Africa's apartheid regime - Mozambique's RENAMO and
Jonas Savimbi's UNITA in Angola, for which he worked as a lobbyist in the
1990s. Among the memorabilia in his Washington office, a prominent photograph
shows Norquist holding an AK-47 in Afghanistan - a memento, not of the recent
war, but of the 1980s when he and other Reagan conservatives backed the mujahideen
in their guerrilla war against the occupying Soviet army. If it troubles him
that the mujahideen went on to become the organizing base for Al Qaeda, he has
never said so publicly.
The connecting thread between these foreign adventures and the conservative movement's
domestic issues is the idea, also born in the Cold War, that all government is
somehow like the Soviet bureaucracy and that government programs aimed at promoting
the general welfare are therefore "creeping socialism" that must
be fought with the same ferocity with which the cold warriors countered revolution
in countries like Angola or Mozambique. Norquist has declared that his goal is "to
cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where
we can drown it in the bathtub."
This is also the logic behind the name of Norquist's group, Americans for
Tax Reform. "It's not just because taxes are irritating and unpopular
and all that," says journalist Elizabeth Drew, who profiled Norquist extensively
in her book, Whatever It Takes: The Real Struggle for Political Power in
America. "He
has a long-term view, which is the lower the revenues that the government takes
in, the less spending it will be able to do, the less money will go to the groups
that he sees as the base of the Democratic party and its power - the teachers' unions,
welfare workers, municipal workers and so on. This is a big, long-term war. It's
total. It's Armageddon. And I have to say that the people on the right,
I think, have thought this through much more than their opponents on the other
side who really don't much know what they do and how the opposition thinks
and are just waking up to it."
The Debate Club
Whereas Republicans see politics as a war, strategists for the Democratic Party
tend to see politics as a debate. And at that level, they think they have been
doing pretty well. According to Stanley Greenberg, who was Bill Clinton's
pollster, the Democratic and Republican parties have been trapped in "the
politics of parity" ever since Eisenhower's election in 1952 ended
Democratic dominance and began "a half century that no party would dominate." As
an example of this parity, Greenberg points to the 2000 presidential election,
in which voters split almost evenly between George W. Bush and Al Gore, with
Gore actually winning a narrow majority in the popular vote. "The loyalties
of American voters," Greenberg concludes, "are now almost perfectly
divided between the Democrats and Republicans. ... The two parties are so evenly
matched that the slightest shift in the political winds could blow the balance."
Other Democratic strategists, notably John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira, see bright
prospects for the party's political future. Their 2002 book, The Emerging
Democratic Majority, looked at the growing influence of Democratic-leaning voter
blocs - minority voters, women and educated professionals - and predicted
that "Democrats are likely to become the majority party of the early twenty-first
Some of this analysis is valid. Over a period of decades, for example, polls
have regularly shown that a majority of the American people support the U.S.
Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which left the choice on whether
to have an abortion up to a woman and her doctor. On the environment, more than
70 percent of the American people believe that the burning of coal, oil and other
fuels is responsible for global warming, and roughly the same majority supports
the Kyoto Protocol and other international agreements to limit greenhouse gas
emissions. In a 2002 Gallup poll, more than half of respondents said they were
concerned about water, soil and air pollution, damage to the earth's ozone
layer and the loss of tropical rain forests. Majorities of 70 to 80 percent support
higher emissions and pollutions standards for industry, spending more government
money on developing solar and wind power, and stronger enforcement of environmental
regulations. Although terrorism and the war in Iraq have recently become significant
public concerns, by far the most enduring concerns expressed in opinion polls
are the economy and jobs, followed usually by health care, education and national
defense. On the issue of health in particular, Democrats enjoy a clear advantage
over Republicans. Surveys consistently show that most Americans want an expandedgovernment, in the form of a tax-financed universal health-care program - an
idea that Republicans consistently oppose and that liberal Democrats have supported.
If politics were simply a matter of debate over policies, therefore, Democrats
would appear well-positioned to defeat their Republican rivals.
The Fight Club
Whatever advantages the Democrats might enjoy in theory, Republicans have achieved
victory upon victory in practice. The 2000 elections gave the Republican Party
the White House, a razor-thin majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and
a 50-50 split in the U.S. Senate. By 2002, the GOP was able to consolidate its
control of the House and achieve a majority in the Senate. It already controlled
the Supreme Court, with Republican appointees comprising seven of the nine justices
who sit on the court. This gave the Republican Party majority control of every
branch of the federal government for the first time since 1932.
The situation for Democrats didn't look any better at the state level.
The 2002 elections, noted Denver Post reporter James Aloysius Farrell, "marked
a tectonic and largely unheralded shift in the American political landscape.
For the past half-century, Democrats dominated the state legislatures - in
the mid-1970s by 2-to-1 ratios in the number of overall legislative seats. But
when the dust settled after the 2002 elections, Republicans had emerged on top." Norquist
celebrated this victory by telling Farrell, "We are trying to change the
tones in the state capitals - and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship." He
added, "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape" (an axiom that
he attributed to one his mentors, former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich).
At the end of 2003, Republicans held a 28-22 majority of state governorships.
They also controlled more state legislatures than Democrats. In 22 states, Republicans
controlled both the state senate and state house of representatives. Democrats
enjoyed similar control in only 16 states, with control split between the two
parties in 12 others - the first time that Republicans have had a significant
advantage in state legislatures since 1952. According to conservative writer
Bruce Walker, the shift of power at the state level reflected a long-term "disintegration
of Democrat power in state legislatures. Twenty or thirty years ago, 'Republican
state legislative strength' was an oxymoron. While Republicans won national
elections and even controlled the Senate for six years under Reagan, Democrats
totally dominated state legislatures."
Republican domination of all these political institutions has created secondary
synergistic effects that further strengthen the party's hold on power.
Its dominance in the U.S. Supreme Court and its control of the Florida governor's
mansion helped give George W. Bush the White House in 2000, even though Al Gore
received a majority of the popular vote and irregularities dogged the Florida
recount. Increased power at the state level has also enabled Republicans to push
through electoral redistricting in several states, further solidifying the party's
power at the national level. "In crafting its agenda for economic reform," Norquist
wrote in June 2003, "the Bush administration has the luxury of being able
to think and plan over a full eight years. ... This guarantee of united Republican
government has allowed the Bush administration to work and think long-term." Republicans,
he predicted, "are looking at decades of dominance in the House and Senate,
and having the presidency with some regularity."
The shift to Republican control has also extended the party's fund-raising
advantage, and as former California State Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh once observed, "money
is the mother's milk of politics." To give just one example of how
funding trends have shifted, tobacco industry contributions to politicians prior
to 1990 were split evenly between Democrats and Republicans. As Republicans have
increasingly dominated traditionally tobacco-friendly states in the South, industry
funding has swung accordingly. From 1991 to 1994, Republicans received 62 percent
of the industry's political contributions; from 1995 to 2000, they received
82 percent. Similar trends have occurred in other business sectors. In 1990,
agribusiness gave 56 percent of its contributions to Republicans. By 2002, that
figure had climbed to 72 percent. During the same period, contributions to Republicans
from the defense industry went from 60 to 69 percent; from construction, 53 to
65 percent; energy and natural resource extraction, 53 to 65 percent; finance,
insurance and real estate, 48 to 58 percent; healthcare, 48 to 65 percent; transportation,
53 to 71 percent; other businesses, 59 to 65 percent. The only business sector
to buck the trend was communications and electronics, which increased its giving
to Democrats slightly, from 58 to 61 percent.
One-party dominance has also muted political debates that would have otherwise
greeted many of the actions of President George W. Bush. The presidential administrations
of Ronald Reagan, the first George Bush and Bill Clinton all had to contend with
opposition from at least one other branch of government, and the resulting hearings
in the House of Representatives or the Senate fueled controversy and media coverage.
With the same party controlling all branches of government, there has been minimal
public debate over the policies of the current Bush administration, even as it
has launched two wars, reversed long-standing policies on worker safety and the
environment, and cut taxes for the rich while 2.7 million private-sector jobs
have been lost and the number of unemployed Americans has increased by more than
45 percent under its watch.
Although Republicans frequently complain about the "liberal bias" of
the news media - the so-called "fourth branch of government" - the
reality is that conservatives have become increasingly influential within the
media, with overwhelming domination of talk radio and a preponderant advantage
on cable television, if not on the broadcast networks. In November 2003, conservatives
demonstrated their power to influence the media agenda when they mounted an organized
outcry that succeeded in killing the CBS network's broadcast of a docudrama
about the presidency of Ronald Reagan. CBS yielded, according to conservative
U.S. News & World Report columnist John Leo, because "the conservative
media world is now good at gang tackling. From Matt Drudge's Drudge Report(which framed the issue of the miniseries) to Fox, the bloggers, talk-radio hosts,
and the columnists, everybody piled on." A couple of weeks later, by contrast,
there was no comparable outcry when the History Channel marked the 40th anniversary
of the assassination of John F. Kennedy by airing a documentary which speculated
that Lyndon B. Johnson had helped plot the assassination. The documentary drew
angry condemnation from Johnson's family and former staff members, but
otherwise there were virtually no public objections to its broadcast.
The Permanent Warfare State
The Republican Party's successes have not come quickly or easily. For more
than four decades, conservatives have worked to build a network of grassroots
organizations and think tanks that formulate and promote conservative ideas - a
process that we describe in Chapter One, "The Marketplace of Ideas." Conservatives
are now enjoying the fruits of this long-term investment. Unhappy with what they
regard as the "liberal bias" of the news media, they have attacked
from both the outside and the inside, building their own, unabashedly conservative
media such as talk radio and Fox News at the same time that they have systematically
set about promoting the careers of conservatives within the mainstream media - a
strategy that we explore in Chapter Two, "The Echo Chamber." They
have built ideological alliances between industry, government and regulatory
agencies, further blurring the lines between each, with consequences that we
examine in Chapter Three, "The One-Party State." And although the
entertainment industry may be more liberal than, say, the tobacco or construction
industries, Republicans have been more effective than Democrats at capitalizing
on the ways entertainment has transformed politics - the 2003 election of
Arnold Schwarzenegger being a recent case in point, as we shall see in Chapter
Four, "Pumping Irony." But they have also understood that politics
involves more than dominating the news cycle or influencing public opinion, and
they have not hesitated to use hardball tactics in pursuit of power. Blacks and
other minorities consistently vote Democrat, so in response - as we show
in Chapter Five, "Block the Vote" - Republicans have developed
techniques for suppressing voter turnout in minority communities or have used
old-fashioned gerrymandering to effectively marginalize minority votes. Notwithstanding
their stated aversion to "big government," now that they have become
the government they have not hesitated to expand its powers in precisely those
areas that are most threatening to individual freedoms, through the USA Patriot
Act and other measures that authorize spying on citizens and detentions without
trial. The likelihood that those powers will be abused has increased, moreover,
as the conservative movement accuses its ideological adversaries of "treason," "terrorism" and "un-Americanism," threatening
long-standing traditions of tolerance and diversity. We discuss these trends
in Chapter Six, "Traitor Baiters." In sum, the direction in which
forces in the GOP are moving looks - at times absurdly, at times ominously - similar
to the "banana republics" of Latin America: nations dominated by
narrow corporate elites, which use the pretext of national security to violate
the rights of their citizens.
David Horowitz's notion that politics is "war conducted by other
means" inverts a statement originally made in 1832 by the German military
theorist, Carl von Clausewitz. Clausewitz stated that "war is merely the
continuation of politics by other means." In this original formulation,
war was one among multiple methods by which competing nations might resolve their
differences. Clausewitz's original statement allowed for the possibility
that differences could also be resolved peaceably, which of course he preferred.
Without a political purpose, moreover, war becomes "pointless and devoid
of sense." Accordingly, Clausewitz wrote, "No one starts a war - or
rather, no one in his senses ought to do so - without first being clear in
his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct
Standing Clausewitz on his head, as the Republican right has done, leads to radically
different and dangerous conclusions. If politics is merely the continuation of
war, then war becomes the norm, and peaceful politicking becomes simply a temporary
maneuver aimed at gaining battlefield advantage. The political arts of compromise,
negotiation, dialogue and debate - even culture itself - become mere
weapons with which to destroy your enemies. And since war is the norm, there
is no need to worry about whether to start one. War already exists, and the point
is simply to win or at least keep fighting. (Understanding this mentality may
help explain why the Bush administration showed so much enthusiasm for initiating
war in Iraq as part of a broader "war on terrorism," while displaying
little interest in exit strategies or clarity about what it intended to achieve.)
When one party is able to impose its will without consulting others, the temptation
is to run roughshod over the opposition - especially when it sees politics
as a form of warfare. During late 2003, for example, the GOP developed a proposal
for Medicare reform, which included the most sweeping changes since the program's
establishment in 1965. Drug companies and private health-care plans - strong
financial backers of the party - stood to benefit financially from the reform
proposal, and the Republican leadership simply ignored opposing viewpoints. House
Democrats were excluded from the conference committee reconciling the House and
Senate versions of the Medicare bill. When the House vote on the bill began on
November 22, 2003, it faced defeat by a two-vote margin, as a number of the Republican
Party's own congressmen refused to support its $400 billion price tag.
Desperate to win, the GOP leaders held open the vote (normally a 15-minute procedure)
for nearly three hours, the longest House roll call ever. In what has been called "the
most efficient party whip operation in congressional history," GOP Majority
Leader Tom DeLay, Speaker Dennis Hastert, Health and Human Services Secretary
Tommy Thompson and even President Bush used the prolonged roll call - from
3:00 a.m. to almost 6:00 a.m. - to persuade dissenting Republicans to change
their votes. According to outgoing Michigan congressman Nick Smith, the "persuasion" included
offers of assistance (by some accounts, including $100,000 in contributions)
for his son's upcoming campaign. When Smith refused to change his vote,
fellow Republicans taunted him, saying his son was "dead meat."
The metaphors that guide politics have consequences that affect us all. The notion
that politics is a process by which a community governs itself leads to radically
different consequences than the notion that politics is a form of war. One assumption
leads to civil debate, negotiation and compromise, while the other leads to incivility
and a no-holds-barred approach that shreds moral restraints and institutional
safeguards. Treating politics as war may be an effective way to win power, but
it has rarely succeeded as a philosophy for wise governance.