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the September 2004 issue.

Half a Million file past Republican
National Convention in NYC
As predicted, the Republican National
Convention was greeted with disdain and anger by hundreds of thousands of
protestors, mainly peaceful and organized by United for Peace and
Justice. Many protestors came to New York City from all corners
of the nation. By all accounts, it
was the largest demonstration in the history of political conventions in the
United States, whether Republican or Democrat. At the end of nearly one week, about two
thousand people had been arrested, and held in detention at pier 57, a makeshift holding pen/detention
center that was previously uninhabited and largely contaminated with motor oil
and asbestos (a cancer causing fiber previously common in insulation
materials). As people began to be
released accounts began to surface about the conditions at pier 57; no medical
attention, no sleeping facilities, no food or water. Yet protestors were held as much as 48
hours, in violation of a State Supreme Court order. Complaints of chemically induced rashes
and infections were
Arrests began as early as Friday August
27th, when a gathering of 5,000 cyclists were set upon by New
York City cops on scooters and motorcycles, arresting close to two hundred riders and confiscating their
bicycles. The cyclist gathering is
a monthly event, but this time was directly associated with the planned
protests at the RNC. The protests
during the week were extensive and creative. On August 29th the day before
the convention was to begin, 500,000 people filed past Madison Square Garden,
banging drums, pots, pans and chanted anti Bush slogans, bringing home a message
that across America is ringing louder and louder, that this administration is
anti-labor, anti-poor, anti-working class, anti-middle class, anti-women,
anti-everyone but the rich and powerful.
The march was headed by several prominent actors and activists, like
Michael Moore, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rosie Perez, Marissa Tomei, Danny Glover,
as well as community and religious leaders. The protestors were a mixed bunch,
young, old, yuppies, housewives, veterans, all races and immigrant groups were
represented. There were signs
proclaiming Bush a terrorist, and while Republicans were chanting inside Madison
Square Garden ‘4 more years’, protestors outside chanted, ‘4 more months’ !
Bush’s term as President ends on January 20th
There was also a ‘die-in’ at 33rd Street
and Broadway, and in central park-- fountains were dyed with red food coloring,
symbolizing the blood and death that Bush administration policies are
producing around the world. At
least 1,000 American soldiers have to date lost their lives in Iraq. As if
that wasn't enough, members of Act Up, disrobed early in the week to protest the
Aids crisis, and crashed the convention floor with an impromptu protest, that
caught police by surprise. On September 1st thousands of unemployed
persons lined up single file and extended more than three miles, symbolizing the
large numbers of unemployed in the city.
There was also a poor people's march from the United Nations to Madison
Square Garden, that was blocked by the NYPD, and hundreds were
arrested. The march was constituted
by the homeless, and poor many of whom came from across the nation to protest
Bush administration policies, and was accompanied by members of 52 New York
based community organizations.
By the end of convention week, the message was loud
and clear, Bush must go, or as Michael Moore loves to say, “ time’s up George !
L.M. / Contributing Correspondent
Posted September 5, 2004
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