Click above, for other articles in
the September 2004 issue.
All the following works, share implications and
provide lessons for those of us who are currently experiencing the
political climate in the United States.

Good Stuff: a guide to the things we buy
by: The World Watch Institute
available free at
A refreshing guide, full of facts, and interesting ideas tailored to
show how anyone can, by changing their habits, help improve the
environment quite easily. A must have for anyone who wants to practice
what they preach. Get a copy and distribute it widely to your family and
friends. You will be surprised, by what is in your power to do, if
you so desire.

The Souls of Black Folk
by: W.E.B. DuBois
ISBN: 0486280411
First published in 1903, it has been heralded as setting the
cornerstone for African-American protest literature. These essays
established W.E.B. DuBois as an intellectual who posited meritorious questions
regarding the treatment of black Americans, the failings of post Civil War
society and regarding the tragic betrayal of the freed slaves--by the Union. The
unfulfilled promise of 40 acres and a mule, resound amid the racism, inequality,
poverty and degradation of turn of the century America.
DuBois' passionate reason instills in me, a white man, with an unequivocal
repugnance for the injustice that has been inflicted on men of a
different color, simply because they were black. One cannot read this book
without being left with a respect for DuBois' intellect and his humanity.

The Family: the real story of the Bush dynasty
by: Kitty Kelley
ISBN: 0385503245 hardcover edition
Hot off the presses, Sept. 2004. The story of the Bush family. Bushes
have been senators, congressmen, governors, presidents and financiers.
They have molded federal agencies like the CIA, have controlled the Republican
party, and been involved in illegal financial deals with Nazis. This
book provides us with an unauthorized biographical screening of the Bushes, it
gives us the dirt and airs the dirty laundry. Some family secrets are
unconfirmed, like the author's claim that George W. Bush did drugs while his
father was president, but many other facts are solid. Worth reading,
if for no other reason, than to at least, get a glimpse into the Bush

The New Nuclear Danger: G.W.Bush's military-industrial
by: Dr. Helen Caldicott
ISBN: 1565847407
First published in 2002, Dr. Caldicott's work explores the military
industrial complex in the United States. She identifies the corporations
and the weapons of mass destruction that, have and, are being
manufactured. This highly detailed book provides the reader with hard
facts and statistics so that we come to understand with clarity the horrible
destructive power of weapons that have no sensible reason to exist, except to
make massive profits for greedy corporations. She provides the rationale
for treaties, and describes the game of power politics that has been waged
to avoid such agreements so that the 'merchants of death'
can continue to manufacture weaponry of mass death. Dr.
Caldicott is the founding member of Physicians for Social Responsibility, a
non profit organization. She has been named as one of the Most Influential
Women of the 20th Century, been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and has
honorary degrees from 19 Universities. She provides us with a clear vision
why all nuclear weapons should, and must be destroyed.

Searching for Everado: a story of love, war & the CIA
in Guatemala
by: Jennifer K. Harbury
ISBN: 0446520365
This is a true account of an American attorney who worked for refugee human
rights in Guatemala during 1985-1986. It is the
compelling, story of how she met and married Efrain Velasquez, known as
Commander Everado, a resistance fighter battling against the brutal fascist
government of Gen. Rios Montt. Everado vanishes in the spring of 1992
after returning from peace talks convened in Mexico City. Although Harbury
is informed that he committed suicide during a skirmish with the Guatemalan
army, she finds out one year later, from an escaped POW, that
hundreds of resistance fighters are being tortured at a remote Guatemalan
military base, and Everado is there. Thus begins Harbury's struggle,
to obtain information from 'official' sources about her husband's
whereabouts, and her unsuccessful struggle to free him, which
will span years. Lied to by successive
Guatemalan governments and by agencies of the United States, she learns in
1995 from Sen. Torricelli (D-NJ) that Everado has been assassinated by the
Guatemalan army. This account is highly illustrative of
the complicity, connection, of United States intelligence agencies and
government bureaucrats at the State Department with human rights
atrocities committed in Guatemala, by government death

The Problem of the Media: U.S. communication politics in
the 21st century
by: Robert W. McChesney
ISBN: 1583671056 paperback
Recently published in 2004, McChesney exposes the reality of journalism in
the United States of America. He outlines how censorship is accomplished
in the media, how advertising dollars, self-censorship, and media
conglomerates are stifling journalistic freedom. Publishing is
characterized as increasingly elitist, with fewer academic journals or
venues for debate accessible to the populace. The book summarizes the impact of
the 1996 Telecommunications Act and the 2003 uproar against the FCC 's move
to further deregulate media ownership rules. You need to read this book, if you
are to understand how mainstream journalists currently operate in America,
and how the marketplace of ideas, is being oppressed by conservative politics
and powerful interest groups.

Altered Evidence: how the justice dept. framed a
journalist & his wife
by: James D. Sanders
published in 1999 without ISBN/ difficult to find
Altered Evidence is highly detailed, at times painfully so. It exposes
facts, names government sources, provides pictures and NTSB computer
printouts that were 'buried' by the FBI concerning the causes of the crash of
TWA flight 800. Sanders deluges us with proof that; the NTSB and
FBI covered up a U.S. military presence off the coast of New York, at the
time of the 'accident' by altering radar data; that they altered evidence
at the reconstruction hangar in order to hide evidence of projectile damage; and
hid evidence of explosive's residue on the plane. Eyewitness accounts that
described a missile projectile that struck the aircraft just before it
exploded in midair, were ignored by the investigators. After taking off from a
NYC airport, on July 17, 1996, the plane explodes minutes later, all 230
people aboard the Boeing 747 die. Sanders, a retired police
officer, who became an investigative journalist dedicated to exposing government
wrong doing, charged the Clinton administration and the justice department with
complicity in a cover-up 'at the highest levels' of government.
The government's investigation cost 40 million dollars, and never
properly identified the cause of the crash.
Sanders, his wife and many independent investigators, and eyewitnesses
were harassed, intimidated and framed with 'crimes' by government
investigators, in order to silence and discredit them. The book also
details how several reputable and honest government employees were
targets of smear campaigns because they would not 'go along' with the
cover-up. The book provides a chilling glimpse into the power of the

Walden / Civil Disobedience
by: Henry David Thoreau
ISBN: 0395051134
"I have never felt lonesome, or in the least oppressed by a sense of
solitude, but once, and that was a few weeks after I came to the woods, when for
an hour, I doubted if the near neighborhood of man was not essential to a serene
and healthy life... I never found the companion that was so companionable as
solitude... What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true today
may turn out to be falsehood tomorrow... What a man thinks of himself, that it
is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate... The mass of men live lives
of quiet desperation...things do not change, we change... However mean
your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names... it
looks poorest when you are richest. The fault finder will find faults even in
paradise. Love your life, poor as it is." from
"The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what
I think right... a corporation has no conscience; but a corporation of
conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience... Unjust laws
exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them,
until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once ?"
from Civil Disobedience
Walden reflects a two year period spent in the woods of Walden Pond in
Concord Massachusetts, an area preserved in Thoreau's memory to this
day. Thoreau's writing is biographical. A graduate of Harvard who
communed with nature and in like manner came to discover his true self by
exploring thoughts on topics related to the individual's role in
society. Although Civil Disobedience is an important essay, his subsequent
'Resistance to Civil Government' warrants closer study.
This subsequent essay influenced Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. by winning
them over to a strategy of non-violent civil disobedience as the path
to changing unjust laws.

Rights of Man
by: Thomas Paine
ISBN: 1853264679
Paine participated in both the American and French Revolutions.
Remembered as a fiery pamphleteer, whose Common Cause did more for the American
cause than many armed rebellions. Born in England in extreme poverty he
immigrated to America where he rose to literary prominence. In the Rights
of Man he argues that man has intrinsic rights independent of society,
sovereignty resides in the individual rather than in a 'moneyed and
propertied' class. He argues most eloquently for the individual's right to
assert his freedom in the face of tyranny.
A man well ahead of his times, he labored to enlighten people to
his vision of a just society which included; universal suffrage, abolitionism,
agrarian reform, equality, citizen rights to petition,
Republican democratic government, and separation of Church and State. He
was seen as too radical for his times.
"When it shall be said in any country in the world my poor are happy; neither
ignorance nor distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of
prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want; the taxes are not
oppressive; the rational world is my friend, because I am the friend of its
happiness: When these things can be said, then may that country boast its
Constitution and its Government." from The Rights of

Brave New World
by: Aldous Huxley
ISBN: 0060830956
Written in 1931, as a satirical vision of a future society,
Utopia. Science creates a socially engineered society, where
everything is carefully controlled for the benefit of an elite ruling
class. Drugs and sexual promiscuity are used as methods of social
control producing a mindless, aimless populace. In such a
society, the concepts of truth and beauty are diminished
of importance. Huxley creates a vision that questions the modern
world, a world so controlled that it decays the human spirit
because it strips mankind of freedom, beauty and creativity.
Reviewed by V.S.
Posted October 1, 2004
SM 2000-2011