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by Jim Hightower
Osama bin Laden? Wasn't he the guy
behind the horrific 9/11 attack on America? Isn't he the poster boy of terrorism,
which Bush pledged he'd "do whatever it takes" to eradicate? Wasn't he the fellow that George snarled
he'd get, "dead or alive?"
Well, yes, but Bush
& Gang made a little detour to Iraq right after 9/11 and haven't
found their way back to Osama. In
fact, in 2002, George himself rather sheepishly
said: "I don't know where he is. I
– I'll repeat what I said.
am not that concerned about him."
Osama bin
Forgotten. While our troops,
treasury, and global prestige are mired in the
bloody hell of Iraq, Osama continues to issue murderous edicts from caves
somewhere in ...well, we don't know where.
And now, the Bushites
have officially closed down the only American unit whose sole
mission was to hunt for bin Laden.
Code-named "Alec Station," this group of CIA
professionals started tracking Osama's movements in 1995, well before he
the global face of terrorism. Last
December, though, Alec Station was quietly
disbanded, squandering a decade-worth of expertise and further diminishing
the hunt for the terrorist leader.
The closing of the Osama unit has
only now become public, but apparently it has long been a victim of bureaucratic
turf wars within the CIA. In recent
years, Alec Station was reduced
from 25 agents to eight, and it had become a repository for
CIA officers who were rotated into it for 90 day shifts.
Of course, the
Bushites never admit any errors, so a CIA spokeswomen was trotted
out to put a smiley face on the closing: "This is an agile agency," she
spritely, "and the decision was made to ensure greater reach and
This is Jim Hightower
saying... Huh? More "focus" by
disbanding the one unit focused
on Osama? What we have here is
another administrative screw-up caused by
Bush's disastrous obsession with Iraq.
(c) 2006, Copyright - Saddleburr Productions, Inc. This
essay is herein reprinted with the author's
Posted August 6, 2006
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