above, for articles in
this issue.
Big Pharma’s Real Discount Drug
Joe Trento
Associated Press tested drinking water in a number of places and discovered that
traces of a wide range of Big Pharma’s products are reaching people through
their local water supply. The AP story is important, but, sadly, an old story
without, so far, a very happy
health officials have known for years that America’s over-the-counter and
prescription drug dependency was affecting virtually everyone because our sewage
treatment plants could not get rid of the chemicals in the drugs humans passed
back into the water supply. To put it plainly - all of us are getting a small
dose of a cornucopia of drugs. By all of us I mean children, fish, birds and all
creatures dependent on water are getting tiny involuntary stealth
prescriptions. The drug makers and
President Bush’s EPA assure us the doses are too small to worry about. So they
don’t. But considering the source of the reassurance, perhaps you

In the
summer of 2005 NRNS reporter Maggie Master assisted The Washington Post’s Juliet
Eilperin with a story on the same subject. We have linked to the story here
because even though it was played well in one of the nation’s most important
newspaper, neither Congress nor the Executive Branch did anything to protect our
water supply from ourselves. We have also included a link to the excellent AP
story that received wide attention this week. The point of both stories is that
government moves glacially on public health and environmental issues any time
huge corporate interests are at stake. The drug industry has the best lobbyists
in Washington. So don’t hold your breath waiting for help from Congress or the
White House. Apparently the Bush Environmental Protection Agency is more
interested in protecting big pharmaceutical companies than human and animal
In the
meantime try to ease the tide of drugs in the water supply by not flushing old
drugs down the toilet or throwing them in the trash destined for landfills. Big
Pharma should fund a program to help the public dispose of old medication
responsibly. Maybe free mailing envelopes for out-of-date medications back to
the companies that make them as well as drop-off boxes at pharmacies.
© 2003-2008 Public Education Center, Inc. All rights
reserved. This essay
is herein reprinted with the author's permission.
Joe Trento
has spent more than 35 years as an
investigative journalist, working with both print and broadcast outlets and
writing extensively on national security issues. Before joining the National
Security News Service in 1991, Trento worked for CNN's Special
Assignment Unit, the Wilmington News Journal, and prominent journalist Jack
Anderson. Trento has received six Pulitzer nominations and is the author of five
books, the most recent of which is The Secret History of the
CIA. He regularly publishes a blog at
Posted March 17,
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