above, for articles in
this issue.
Chris Christie:
Will he manufacture an
October Surprise, (with a lot of help from his friends) to clinch the candidacy
for President ?
As Barack Obama’s mantra slips away into
the abyss of rock bottom numbers in opinion polls, the Republican Party is
looking for a strong enough candidate to be its main attraction and garner the
votes needed to capture the U.S. presidency in 2012.
Both the
Democratic and Republican parties have a lot at stake with the 2012 race; the
Democrats hope to hold-on to their control of the executive as well as the
legislative branches of government, this after years of being marginal players
during eight years of Republican Party dominance.
Republican Party on the other hand, is still hurting from electorate anger
resulting from the Bush years.
Anger at George W. Bush’s governance is still palpable given that it
created a huge historic deficit, dragged the country into several unpopular
foreign wars of occupation in the Middle East, increased poverty at home; all
this while enabling huge tax reductions to the top 5% of the income strata—which
has resulted in an American landscape today that brandishes the greatest income
disparity ever in American society.
Top CEO’s today
average income nearly 600 times that of the average worker in their
industry. George Bush’s damage to
the image of the Republican Party has been so significant, that it led his older
brother, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, to say publicly that he did not have
a political future—and their dad, and also a former President, George H. W.
Bush cried during a television interview denoting that Jeb was right, the damage
to the Bush name was enormous.
The revolt has led to a rise of the Tea Party;
protestors across the nation who have vowed to vote incumbents out of office,
until the ship of state once again is righted from its wasteful spending
course. Tea Party operatives
produced results during the midterm elections, which did in fact result in a
purge of many incumbents from both parties who lost their seats in both Houses
of Congress.
So the stakes
are high for the Republicans to come up with a likeable, and electable
candidate. Thus far, Christie has
proven appealing to audiences across the U.S.; they seem to like his no-nonsense
tough talk on walking the straight and narrow. His previous record in New Jersey of
going after corrupt politicians has caught everyone’s attention.
when one comes to recognize that Christie was born in Newark, a long time
bastion of organized crime’s mafia families. Indeed, one member of Christie’s own
extended family seems to have such connections, although Christie doesn’t like
to talk about it.
ties to New Jersey also run deep after his College years in Delaware, he
attended Seton Hall Law got his degree in 1987 and joined the law firm of Dughi,
Hewit & Palatucci in Cranford, later becoming partner. Unofficial sources claim that Bill
Patalucci, a militant Republican with ties to the Bushes got Christie appointed
as U.S. Attorney in Newark.
represents to the Bushes their only chance to be politically reborn and
thereafter realign Jeb Bush’s path so that it once again ends at the White
House’s doorstep.
If Christie
does decide to vie for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, his
chances currently are about on par or better than Barack Obama’s. Voters are fuming at Obama’s poor
performance, especially many of those left leaning faithful Democrats who got
Obama elected. Many of his prior
supporters have decried that after his election they saw a candidate turned
president forget his promises to those who had pictured him as the only hope to
save America from a continuing degradation of civil rights, economic well being,
and an ending destruction of democratic principles previously enshrined in
the Constitution.
If Christie is
elected, New Jersey will have its
first Lt. Governor ascend to the office of Governor. Kim Guadagno also a Republican, is a
former U.S. Attorney who served in Newark New Jersey from 1990-1998. Curiously I could have seen her, when in
1995 I delivered a complaint to that office. Before the Newark stint, she was a
federal prosecutor with the Organized Crime & Racketeering Strike Force in
Brooklyn, New York.
From 2003-2009
she taught a course on legal research at Rutgers Newark Law School on the campus
of my Alma Mater.
Guadagno was
also Monmouth County Sheriff from 2007-2009, Red Bank stomping grounds, until
Chris Christie selected her as his running mate for Lt. Governor.
It is still
early to tell if Guadagno will help or hinder, a Christie run; last winter in
the midst of a brutal snow storm, while Chris Christie was on vacation in
Florida, it was reported that Guadagno was also away from the State of New
Jersey in Mexico. Some ventured to
snicker that she was getting some foreign affairs experience as the State’s
Secretary of State, no arguing that she has indeed been busy.

Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, center, during her Sheriff days at the Jersey
Big people
with deep pockets are pushing Christie to run and get results; among those are
the Bushes who want back-in the game.
Politics… go
figure, at one time people ran to make a difference, serve their country… but
today everyone seems to have an angle, an edge, connections, quid pro quo on
steroids in the shadows waiting to hit
Its all about
power, influence, money, and more angles…
The Bushes
came up with the October surprise angle back in 1979 when George H.W. Bush
intervened without U.S. government knowledge to make sure that Iran didn’t
release the American hostages until after the presidential elections of that
year. Iran experienced a revolution
in 1979, pushing the Shah from power-- a U.S. backed dictator-- and amid the
chaos, American citizens working at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran were taken
hostage by militants who demanded concessions from the United States.

The Shah of
Pres. Jimmy Carter
Reagan-Bush ticket was elected as a result of the Reagan-Bush team successfully
portraying Jimmy Carter as a wimp.
After Carter lost, Iran got aviation supplies, tires and arms—and then
let the hostages go, just as Reagan was being sworn-in. Investigative reporter Robert Parry of
Consortium News, ( see )
broke the story back in the 1980’s when he worked for Newsweek, although
far too late to rescue the Carter presidency.
Those same
kind of Bush angles gave us the Iran-Contra Affair a few years later, when it
was discovered, again by Bob Parry, that the CIA was selling arms to Iran, in
violation of an arms embargo, and using the proceeds to funnel money to the
Contra para-military army fighting a dirty war in El Salvador, again in
violation to U.S. laws codified under the Boland Amendment.
The Contras
were in turn, again with help from the CIA, trafficking drugs into the United
States. George H. W. Bush, a prior
Director of the CIA, had also been the intelligence handler of Panamanian
Dictator and narcotics smuggler Manuel Noriega, who for many years was on the
CIA’s payroll. Noriega was later
apprehended during a U.S. military invasion into Panama under George H.W. Bush’s
direction. Noriega later insisted
during his trial in Florida, that he had rebelled against the CIA for continued
use of Panama as a staging area for drug traffic, and that this was the true
cause for the invasion and the trumped up charges against him.
A few years
later CIA involvement in drug trafficking was documented by several DEA
undercover agents working in South and Central America, as well as by
investigative journalist Gary Webb (see Dark Alliance at
). Some of those DEA agents lost
their lives attempting to stop that very traffic.
While we are
on the subject, an interesting footnote; prior to the invasion of Afghanistan,
the country had little opium production; but after the Bush sponsored invasion
in 2004, Afghanistan now ranks, according to the United Nations, as the world’s
main supplier of opium at 92%.
Interesting how drug traffic, the CIA, and the Bush name pop up so often
Yep its all about the angles. Chris Christie is the
current October surprise grab-bag promise that certain Big Boyz are hoping
will rescue the Bush mantra, the policies and their joint destiny, let’s see
what develops… all eyes on Jersey, between now and election day (the Boyz are
making their play)!
NOTE: The writer makes reference to
the Big Boyz* in this article. It is the opinion of the writer that
there exists a loosely connected network of businessmen, politicians
and organized crime figures who have since the beginning of the 20th century
formed alliances in order to manipulate events to their favor. Some
of these men have historic connections to the Fascist movement of the early
twentieth century in Europe (specifically Italy, Germany, and Spain ).
Some of their American counterparts, were unsuccessful
in their attempt to violently overthrow the U.S. government during the
administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Army
General Smedley Butler who had been approched by the conspirators to lead the
rebellion betrayed the Coup. FDR chose not to charge the
conspirators nor have any of them arrested. George W. Bush's grandfather
was however one of the few who were charged for trading with Nazi
These many years later, most aspects of the world of
big business, finance, and many governments of the West are today under the
direct control of this underground conspiracy. It is the opinion
of this writer that by the use of corruption, assassination and
oppression, this network sees to it that people under their control
are placed in key positions and by this means dominate all branches of
government in the U.S. as well as in most nations of the West, and have
done so for many decades. The facts cited in the article are easily
Posted October 01,
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